Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Tú eres la tierra fértil en donde siembra mi imaginación, en momentos de ocio, la semilla de un éxtasis sin fin. Mis visiones de ti, remembranzas y esperanzas, se convierten ante mis ojos en un árbol donde no deja de trepar mi amor vagabundo.

501, Myrtle Beach, Carolina del Sur
7 de agosto 2012

Friday, August 12, 2011

Respuesta al comentario de ANGIE CP

No me molesta. Yo hago lo mismo. En cuanto a tus observaciones, no se trata de un lapso de tiempo. Se trata de un cambio de sentimientos, de la insistencia en forzarse a recordar un amor perdido al recuerdo de un amor... si alguna vez lo fue realmente.

Myrtle Beach, Carolina del Sur
12 Agosto 2011


Thursday, August 11, 2011


I will tread lightly and cherish the fertile soil beneath my bare feet. I will go down on one knee and reach down to tenderly caress the earth with the palm of my hand. I will lift it to my nose to inhale its essence. It is now part of me and will forever remain so. Only God can say if this holy ground is my promised land. Its scent lingers as I travel onward, gently calling like a timid bobwhite in spring. As the saliva starts to run inundating my tongue and teeth, I realize that I'm homesick and that it is calling me home.

11 August 2011
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina

La reprimida

There's so much to say.

So many feelings to feel.

I wish I could open up your heart and walk around, as if it were a museum or an office building after closing time to explore the unnoticed, unopened mop closets and the dusty back rooms where there are more spider's webs than memories.

11 August 2011
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina


Thursday, June 16, 2011

Destiny, Freud and Zen

Even a blind nut finds a squirrel.

Burgess, South Carolina, USA
Freudian slip by Jeremy Poling?
12 June 2011


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Road to Catasauqua

Leaving the unremarkable restaurant, I face the leaden Pennsylvania sky.
It fills me with a pretty sadness.
One that I don’t want to let go of.
A sadness that I want to hold close to my chest like a dying child.
That I want to kiss on the forehead.
That I want to bathe in my tears until they overflow and drip from my white fingers.
But all that was a dream.
I look down; the child is there no longer.
It’s been dead and buried for months.
I look at the steel drops that fall to my hands, like mother’s milk, from the sooty storm clouds.
I watch them as they wipe away the last traces of the crust of white salt.

On the road from Bethlehem to Catasauqua, Pennsylvania, USA
14 June 2011 (translated from the Spanish)


Camino a Catasauqua

Al salir del restaurante mediocre, me enfrento al cielo de plomo de Pensilvania.
Me infunde una tristeza linda.
Una que no quiero soltar.
Una tristeza que quiero acurrucar en el pecho como una criatura moribunda.
Que quiero besar en la frente.
Que quiero bañar de lágrimas hasta rebosar, hasta que goteen de las puntas de mis blancos dedos.
Pero todo eso fue un sueño.
Miro hacia abajo; la criatura ya no está ahí.
Lleva meses de muerta y sepultada.
Miro las gotas de acero que caen en mis manos, cual leche materna, de los nubarrones de hollín.
Las contemplo mientras limpian el último vestigio de la costra de blanca sal.

De camino entre Bethlehem y Catasauqua, Pensilvania, EEUU
14 junio 2011
